Building people through a loving, caring church: Building a church through loving, caring people.

St. Paul’s is seeking a new Musical Director.
Please see our CHOIR page, located in MUSIC, for more details of this paid position.

  • Tuesday
    9.30 am Morning Prayer

    10.00a.m Spoken Eucharist

    8.00 am Spoken Eucharist
    10.30 am Choral Eucharist

    2nd Sunday in April, June, August, October at 5.00 pm TAIZE service

    2nd Sunday in March, May, July, September, November at 5.00 pm, CHORAL EVENSONG

  • Vicar: Rev. Jennifer Furphy


    Alyson Dillon

    David Heyes

    Rosemary McCoy

  • View this week’s Link St. Paul’s weekly Link.

Welcome to the Anglican Parish of St. Paul’s Geelong. Located in the heart of Geelong we are dedicated to seeking God through our life together and serving God’s people.  As a worshipping community we are committed to glorifying the beauty of God’s holiness in the rich Anglican choral music tradition led by a parish choir that is one of the finest in Geelong. As a community church we strive to grow under God’s love and grace where friends, family and faith can come together.  

Upcoming events.

Please click on a date to see what’s happening at St. Paul’s. You can also find more information about special events.

Alternatively, if would like any further information about our services or an event, please use our Contact Us form, and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.