Service Recordings: Service Evensong at St. Paul's

    8.00am Eucharist

    A quiet service of Holy Communion following any of the three Orders of Service from A Prayer Book for Australia.
    No hymns are sung at this service.
    Rarely does this service exceed 45 minutes

  • 10.30am Choral Eucharist
    A formal service in that we follow the liturgy of A Prayer Book for Australia.
    The Choir leads the way at this service for most of the year. The Setting used changes every four weeks.
    The Congregation is expected and encouraged to join fully in singing the responses in the Eucharist Setting, as well as the hymns.
    This service usually lasts for around 60 minutes and morning tea is served in the Church Hall following the service.

  • Wednesday Services
    10.00am Eucharist
    This service is very similar to the 8.00am Sunday service. Sometimes we sing a hymn at this service for special days.
    A more relaxed service followed by a cuppa in the church.

    Morning Prayer
    in the hall at 9.30 am
    Thursdays at 9.00 am via Zoom